Shenley Road, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire MK3 7AW

01908 376011

Romans Field School

Building Success Together - to help us all become the best version of ourselves.


Magpies class is a group of 7 children. We are a mix of boys and girls with different year groups and abilities, and we are all unique. As a class, we have some expectations that everyone must follow, and we try our best to get on with everyone.  

Every child has an Individualised Education Plan (IEP) and receives provision that are adapted and supported by our Romans Field Curriculum. All lessons have a clear and specific achievable learning objectives and experiences that brings joy of small step achievement, whilst fostering one of our school values, perseverance.  A range of strategies such as TEACCH, Attention Autism and Colour Semantics will be used to meet children’s educational needs and ensure measurable success for all children.  

Autumn Curriculum Overview

Information regarding the focus for each subject is detailed below.

 Magpies - Autumn Curriculum Overview.pdfDownload
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Autumn Homework Grid

Our homework expectations for this term is detailed below.

 Magpies - Autumn 1 Homework Grid.pdfDownload
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Autumn Term 1 Summary

Magpies have had an amazing start of the Autumn 1 term and can't wait to see them continue to shine as we move forward with the same positive energy and excitement!". In English we have learned about the book ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’ and have been engaged in sensory story and range of fine motor skills activities relating to the story. In science, we have learnt about ‘Amazing me’. We learned about different body parts and organs and how amazing our body is in functioning their jobs. We shared about our favourite things and what makes us unique from our peers and did self-portraits of themselves which they really loved their own art.