Shenley Road, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire MK3 7AW

01908 376011

Romans Field School

Building Success Together - to help us all become the best version of ourselves.


We are Kite Class! We are all in Year 7 and follow the structured pathway. We spend our days learning, playing and growing together. In class we are always focusing on communication, independence and safety. 

The emotional regulation of our pupils always comes first by providing a calm, nurturing and safe environment. As a class team we strive to promote a love of learning for all our pupils. We have a happy, positive ethos that focuses on supporting all pupils to reach their full potential and prepares them for every aspect of life.  Our aim is to provide a hands-on, creative and exciting approach to learning in order to build on attention and engagement whilst stretching our pupils to be the best they can be! 

Autumn Curriculum Overview

Information regarding the focus for each subject is detailed below.

 Kites - Autumn Curriculum Overview.pdfDownload
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Autumn Homework Grid

Our homework expectations for this term is detailed below.

 Kites - autumn 1 homework grid.pdfDownload
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